Marianne Beja is an instructional coach at Strom Thurmond High School in Edgefield County School District. She created the ABCs of Personalized Learning that highlights some of the ideas, philosophies, and strategies behind this instructional framework.
ABCs of Personalized Learning
All learners matter and can achieve
Brain based research. Big ideas start with baby steps
Collaboration with cohort groups with our coaches, teachers
Delve into the research to achieve buy in/Data collection is key/Duckworth
Evolve into being a facilitator who embraces the learner
Feedback matters/Fail Forward
Growth Mindset REALLY matters!
Having voice and choice builds student ownership
Inquiry learning and innovation are key
Joy- As teachers release control and our write ups go down
Knowledge Works- Enuff said!!!!!!!
Learner profiles and learning pathways/LEAP learning survey
Mindset matters through self talk / Modeling/ Metacognition/ Marysville
Never give up- Our students deserve the BEST! Networking is powerful
Ongoing professional development in a personalized way
Profile of the SC Graduate/Planning - What, why, and how?/#personalizeSC/Pivot tables
Questions matter from all staff members
Step back as your students up
Trust is built through transparency
Understanding the challenges that we face
Vocalize what PL is at any time- Keep your audience in mind
Whole child REALLY matters
Xchanging ideas
Yes,we can do this!
Zealot- If you are a nut, be one with a purpose!
What Would Be Your ABCs of Personalized Learning?
Which of Marianne's descriptors resound with you or interest you? If you could describe personalized learning, which words come to mind?